Sinochem Culture
Sinochem Hebei has paid great attention to the molding of corporate culture. We try to manage the corporate culture in parallel with daily business operation. We have initiated the construction of corporate culture system including core value, operation principles, and management philosophy and employee codes of conduct. By evolving culture of entrepreneurship, and culture of integrity, culture of efficiency, culture that puts people first, culture that emphasizes corporate citizenship, culture that advocates anti-corruption, and culture of lean management, Sinochem has sharpened its competitive edge which has facilitated the company’s strategic transformation and sustainable development. Characteristic Culture of Sinochem Hebei Culture of entrepreneurship: insist “Two Must”, be vigilant in peace time, never slacken efforts, and never stop self-perfection Culture of integrity: honor the promise, abide by the laws, and be strict in disciplines Culture of performance: passionately pursue high performance targets Culture that puts people first: respect, train, and motivate employees to realize a common growth between employees and the company Culture of responsibility: fulfill the corporate citizenship, create harmony between the stakeholders and the Nature, and give back to the society incorruptible culture: abide by professional ethics, strictly self-discipline, fight against corruption, and fulfill the duty Culture of lean management: continue innovation; keep improving, and all staff participation
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